Streamlined design & frontend for startups

From initial setup to ongoing maintenance, Figma design systems and front-end implementations are tailored to evolve with your startup.

Meet for a chat
Nothing short of exceptional.
— Lars from Likvido
A game-changer for our business.
— Emma from Studio Skulptur
UX Things goes above & beyond.
— Tim from Introcast


A robust design system

We meticulously designed a library of reusable, modular UI components that would form the backbone of their user interface.

Additionally, we developed versatile layout components, serving as the building blocks for responsive interfaces.

Enhancing and onboarding

We then took the client's existing low-fidelity mockups and transformed them into high-fidelity versions using our newly developed components.

To ensure a smooth transition, we conducted an onboarding process for the client's engineering and product teams, showing them how to implement and work with their new design system.

What we did
Product design  /  Design system
2023 - present

Imagining Likvido’s future

We had the privilege imagining what the future of Likvido might look like. Taking a step back and zooming out a bit allowed us to start thinking with a fresh mind.

Rethinking Likvido’s look & feel

Within a period of just a few months, Likvido got a complete face over. Whole interface was revisited, and a brand new design system was introduced.

In close collaboration with Likvido devs, this was brought to life quickly.

Likvido’s new website

With the new look & feel in Likvido product, it was time to rethink the face of the product, Likvido’s website.

What we did
Product design  /  Design system
2023 - present

Website refresh ✨

Our team took the client's vision and transformed it into a dynamic, user-friendly website.

We focused on the minute details to ensure a pixel-perfect presentation, delivering a seamless digital experience.

Studio Skulptur's remade homepage

Custom Webflow development

We utilized Webflow for custom development, adhering strictly to industry best practices.

Our team ensured the website was not only visually appealing, but also robust and reliable.

Visit the website
Masonry view of Studio Skulptur's website highlights
What we did
Product design  /  Design system
2023 - present

Website buildout

Along website was brought to life using Webflow.

Every pixel was carefully placed to ensure perfection, and best practices were followed to deliver a seamless digital experience.

Visit the website
Along's remade homepage

Design system

A design system for Along was carefully crafted in Figma, acting as the building blocks for a consistent visual language across the app.

This system is not only scalable and reusable, but also ensures that the app remains visually cohesive.

Product design

The focus was on creating a user-centric design that was not only visually appealing, but also intuitive and in sync with Along's product vision.


  • Wireframes, prototypes
  • New product features
  • Close collaboration with developers
What we did
Website / Design system / Product design
2022 - 2023

From website design and development to product design, UX, and front-end development.

Crafting digital experiences that focus on the outcome.

Website design & development

With the power of Relume and Webflow, get your website running in under two weeks.

Design systems, product design & frontend solutions

Tailored primarily for startups, making your software solution visually cohesive and intuitive.

Close collaboration with product & engineering

Product design is closely aligned with technology to ensure harmony across the board.

Long-term collaboration & partnership

As a partner, the approach is to act as an extended team rather than a one-time contractor.

UX Things does things differently .

Simple, yet effective.
Trello for task management and Slack Connect for seamless communication.

Embrace AI

With AI joining UX Things, our services are now cooler and faster ! Imagine having an intelligent buddy who takes great meeting notes, writes like a pro, accelerates development, and helps solve tough problems quicker.

Choose a plan

Select the plan that suits your requirements and budget.


Get to know each other, align on details and expectations to ensure a strong start.

Weekly check-ins

Stay in sync with weekly calls and real-time communication.

Words from our partners

Our experience with UX Things and Filip, in particular, has been nothing short of exceptional. From crafting beautifully modern designs to diligently speccing and testing all frontend development, he has left no stone unturned. His persistent reviews and attention to detail have resulted in an application we are incredibly proud of.

Lars Holdgaard, CTO at Likvido
Lars Holdgaard, CTO @ Likvido

Working with UX Things was a game-changer for us at Studio
Skulptur. They effortlessly brought our ideas to life, creating a high-conversion site that flawlessly blends design and functionality. UX Things exceeded our vision, delivering results that went far beyond our wildest expectations. Don't snooze on this dream team.

Our partner Emma Skanning at Studio Skulptur
Emma Skaaning, Partner @ Studio Skulptur

Working with Filip from UX Things has been a transformative experience. His product vision and execution skills helped us tremendously and we were able to learn a lot from him. He is a swiss knife for anything product-related and an immense benefit for any team out there.

Founder at Along, Julian Nagel
Julian Nagel, Founder @ Along

UX Things goes above & beyond. Armed with strong expertise in front-end engineering frameworks, they crafted a UX design system that our team of engineers couldn't wait to put into action. Professional, swift, and focused on crystal-clear communication, their genuine passion for the success of our SaaS product and overall company shines through.

Tim Lee, Founder @ Introcast

Collaborating side by side.
Not just for hire.

Two simple ways to work with us.

Pay as you go
Get started
For short-term projects
Product design & UX
Figma design system
Frontend setup & development
Icon design & animation
Website design & development
Weekly check-in calls
Trello & Slack for tasks and chat
Minimum 30-hour monthly commitment
Get started
For startups seeking ongoing partnership
Product design & UX
Figma design system
Frontend setup & development
Icon design & animation
Website design & development
Weekly check-in calls
Trello & Slack for tasks and chat


Need help? Chat to us.

Why choose us instead of hiring full-time?

Choosing our services significantly cuts costs compared to hiring full-time designers or developers, who often demand over $100,000 yearly, plus benefits. We provide tailored packages to suit your needs in software, design systems, product design, UX, frontend and web development.

We offer two packages—Pay-as-You-Go (Launchpad) and the 30-Hour Commitment (Momentum) —allowing you to select the plan that works best for your requirements, with the ability to pause or resume as necessary.

How does the “Launchpad” package work?

Pay as you go (Launchpad) package is perfect for one-off projects or tasks. Once we provide an estimate and receive approval, we'll work on the task, billing only for the hours efficiently spent on the task at hand.

How does the “Momentum” package work?

With 30-Hour Commitment (Momentum) package, you'll receive a discounted rate of €60 per hour, with a minimum commitment of 30 hours per month. This option is ideal for clients who require regular support or have larger projects. Each task will be estimated and approved by the client before work begins, ensuring hours are used efficiently.

Can I switch between packages if needed?

Yes, you can switch between packages to accommodate your changing needs. Simply reach out to make the adjustment and we'll help you transition to the appropriate package.

How are hours estimated for each task?

Before starting any task, we assess the requirements and provide an estimated number of hours for completion. We'll share this estimation with you, to approve the allocation before we proceed. This ensures that both parties have a clear agreement about project scope and allocated hours.